
A Guide to Know How to Measure the Dimensions of Boxes!

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Product packaging requires accuracy in the measurement of the dimensions of boxes for increased attraction, protection, and functionality. Custom packaging boxes are dependent on providing the exact room to fit the products in them to reduce the losses occurring due to the movement of products in loose boxed packaging. 

Accurately measuring the volume of boxes that fit the products to avoid the extra cost of transportation and storing. On the other side, you may have to compromise on the presentation of your product packaging and lose your potential customers. 

Learn how to measure the dimensions of boxes to effectively produce, pack, transport, display, and present your products to the recipients.

How to Measure a Box Volume?

Before moving ahead, it is wise to understand the volume of boxes which is the total of the product dimensions order of boxes. The volume of boxes is calculated using the formula by following the box dimensions order, i.e., length x width x height.

Defining The Three Dimensions of Box Packaging

Dimensions of boxes or any objects are easy to understand. There should be no difficulty in getting the benefits of your product packaging with the exact measurement of your packaging boxes. Let’s dive into the details of the three dimensions of objects: 

  • Length

Length is generally the longest side of boxes calculated and measured from left to right when you are facing the box, or vice versa. It is not necessarily the longest side of the boxes. Sometimes, the height is the longest side of the object.

  • Width

Measuring the width is equally important to find out the total volume of boxes. This is calculated from the front to the back of the boxes. You can measure it by keeping the front wall facing you and letting the object lay there, and examine the width from the front wall to the back wall of the objects or boxes.

  • Height

Height or depth is alternatively used to represent the measurement of the boxes from top to bottom. It should be clear enough to avoid any confusion measuring the height or depth of the boxes of which you are calculating the volume.

  • Longest Side of The Boxes

Usually, the longest side of the boxes or the object is considered the length. There is no firm rule of taking the longest side of the box or an object should be the length. Sometimes the width is the longest side of the boxes, like display boxes. Sometimes you can see the longest side of the box is the height, like tower boxes.

Sequence In Measuring the Volume of Custom Boxes

Length is first to put in the formula of measuring the dimension of boxes and the total volume of the object or the boxes. Width is placed between the length and the height of the boxes to reach the final calculation of the total measurements of your box packaging.

Following the sequence of dimensions of boxes can help you smoothen your measurement process for creating your product packaging boxes. In other words, the volume of a box is measured by taking dimensions height width depth order. This is because we have to follow the standard dimension order.  

Calculating More Than One Height of a Box

While calculating the dimensions of boxes, you are advised to consider height display boxes twice – first from the front wall of the boxes, and the second from the back wall inclusive flaps of these boxes. This is desirable to exactly measure the volume of the boxes.

Why Are Dimensions of Boxes Important?

Measuring the box size is crucial to accurately customize the sizes of the boxes. This will help you package your products in the most efficient way to reach your customers. You can use your exact-fit packaging for your boxes to maximize the customer experience.

This is important to know how to read product dimensions to produce error-free box packaging of your products. Measuring the volume of boxes in what order dimensions you should follow is length first, width second, and height third. This is the accurate measurement order to find out the volume of objects.

Have an overview of the benefits you can gain by accurately measuring the size of boxes to personalize them:

  • Better Placement

Either storing or placing your products in shipping containers, expertly manufactured with exact sizes can help you place your products in a better and efficient way. Get rid of paying extra shipping or storing costs with proper placement of your products. 

  • Damages Reduction

Properly crafted and personalized packaging is imminent to build trust and confidence in your brand. You can produce well-thought designs after calculating the volume of your product's packaging. This can help you reduce damages by mishandling and moving your products within the packaging boxes.

  • Space Management

Space is very important to effectively use without disturbing your budget. You can use the available space to properly organize your products packaged in these boxes. It can also help you to utilize minimum space with maximum results.

  • Cost Efficient

Cost is one of the immensely important factors in determining the market share by intelligently using your resources. You can control your overhead on shipping and transportation by avoiding extra space occupancy and unorganized products of your brand. Measuring the dimensions of boxes helps to streamline and organize your products effectively.

Get Started Calculating Brand Custom Boxes Volume

After getting the proper and meaningful knowledge and understanding of how to measure the dimensions of boxes, it is at your discretion to maximize the output of your resources. This is due to the implementation of your understanding learned from this blog.

How to Measure the Round Shape Boxes?

Measuring the round-shaped boxes is easy by using a simple formula diameter x height. Whereas the diameter is the radius of the customized cylindrical boxes and the diameter is measured across the center of the boxes.

Summing Up!

It is highly on your end to boost your revenues by not increasing the prices of your products but by reducing carrying, storing, and displaying costs of your brand products. Just like the order of measurement dimensions, here is a sequence of winning the competition by creating a unique place without spending extra to increase the efficiency of your products.

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