Understanding the Length, Width and Height of Product Packaging
Dimensions of product packaging play an important role in fitting products perfectly inside the packaging. By measuring the length, width and height of products, you can create a packaging design that accommodates the items inside it with a breeze.
However, understanding the dimensions and customizing your packaging accordingly is essential yet challenging. In this blog, we will discuss in detail the length, width and height of product packaging. Read on!
Importance of Dimensions in Product Packaging
Apart from the snug fitting of products, the benefits of packaging dimensions are significantly vast. You can minimize the waste of packaging materials by creating boxes with perfect dimensions. Doing so will align with your sustainability goals and attract eco-aware buyers.
By understanding the packaging and product dimensions, you can determine the unique shapes for your product packaging. For instance, you can go beyond square boxes for your products and opt for creative styles like pillow boxes, gable boxes, etc.
Creating boxes in the right dimensions also helps you optimize spaces in a house. If you want to store your goods in a limited space, personalizing sizes perfectly is essential. More than the needed large boxes will occupy unnecessary space, burdening your warehouses.
What is Length x Width x Height?
When it comes to the dimensions of packaging boxes, the significance of length x width x height can’t be overlooked. The reason is that these are the elements of dimensions that determine the volume of a box or bag. All these dimensions are measured in the same units.
Units of Length, Width and Height
The units of all length, width and height are the same. These dimensions can be measured in various units. Some of the most popular units are meters, inches and feet. Meters can be further divided into centimeters and millimetres to measure smaller lengths with a breeze.
What are the Dimensions of a Box Packaging?
As discussed before, the length, width and height of a box determine the dimensions of packaging boxes. Now, let’s delve into each of these dimensions and understand their significance in giving your packaging a distinctive shape.
Source: geeks for geeks
What is Length?
Length is usually the longest part of a box that can be seen from the front of the box. However, it may vary depending on the style of the box. For instance, a lengthwise tuck box has a longer length than other dimensions. On the other hand, a deeper box has a longer height than length and width.
What is Width?
Width is primarily used to measure the third dimension of a packaging box. Width is usually measured from the front to the back of a product box. Measurement of width is mostly similar to that of length, however, it may vary depending on the dimensions of the products packed inside.
What is Height or Depth?
The height or depth is also one of the most important dimensions of product boxes. The height of a box determines how bulky the product packed in it is. This dimension of boxes usually does not coincide with any of the other dimensions in measurements. However, if the shape of the product is symmetrical and equally bulky from all sides, the measurements of height can coincide with length and depth.
Calculating the Volume of a Product Packaging
One of the major significance of measuring the length, width, and height of boxes is that they can calculate volume. For symmetrically shaped boxes, all you need to do is multiply the length, width and height of the boxes.
Volume = Length × Width × Height
V = L × W × H
Height, Length and Width of a Two-Dimensional Packaging
Unlike 3-dimensional packaging boxes, two-dimensional mylar packaging bags and mailing envelopes comprise length and height only. Width is negligible in such packaging options. Measuring the dimensions of such packaging options is quite simple. All you need to do is measure the length and height and calculate the area of the packaging.
Source: WSEL
When it comes to mylar bags, gusset ones are considered three-dimensional, as their bottom gusset is deep as well as tall and long. However, flat custom mylar bags are two-dimensional.
Measuring the Thickness of Product Boxes
Choosing the right thickness of packaging material is also important when it comes to packing products safely inside. The reason is that if boxes are not appropriately thick, they may tear making products vulnerable to damage.
The thickness of boxes may vary depending on the material you choose. Cardstock boxes usually range from 8 to 10 points in thickness. Corrugated cardboard is 12 to 16 points thick. When it comes to rigid stock, the thickness may vary from 12 to 18 points.
Internal vs External Box Measurements
The significance of material thickness can’t be overlooked when it comes to measuring the internal and external volume of the boxes. Internal measurements are one thickness less than the external measurements. For perfect fitting of products, internal measurements are considered instead of external measurements.
How to Customize Dimensions of a Packaging?
Customizing the dimensions of packaging according to products is essential yet challenging. Let’s make it easier for you by discussing easy steps to personalize your product packaging boxes:
Measure Dimensions of Products
Before delving into box creation, measure the dimensions of products. If your product is symmetrical from all sides, measure the length, width and height of the items. However, if the product is non-symmetrical, measure the distances of maximum proximities in all three dimensions.
Decide Packaging Box Shapes
After measuring the dimensions of the box, decide whether you want to go for rectangular or square boxes. You can also opt for other creative shapes like pillow-style, gable-style, round, etc. Make sure that the shape you choose comes with minimum extra spaces to avoid waste of packaging material.
Partner with a Reputable Packaging Company
Once you have measured product dimensions and decided on the box shape, look for a reputable packaging company. You can partner with online reliable vendors like The Customize Boxes. All you need to do is share your requirements with us, and we will make your required boxes accordingly.
Wrap Up!
Understanding the packaging length, width and height is important when it comes to snugly fitting products and optimizing warehouse spaces. We hope the above guide on product packaging dimensions helps you create appropriate packaging for your products. If you have any questions or want to place an order for custom boxes, get in touch with us.