Custom foam inserts are an amazing solution to protect, organize, and present your products to your recipient in an impressive way. Customize your product packaging to increase the aesthetically appealing presentation of your products.
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There are numerous types of foam inserts. Businesses use these foam inserts depending on the requirement of their products according to the nature, size, and shape of their products. The followings are some of the types of foam inserts:
Corrispring cardboard inserts are considered the best alternative to the custom foam inserts. The word corrispring is a piece of cardboard that is used as a spring and hence it is named so. These inserts are equally valuable for protection of high-value and perishable products. Interestingly, these inserts are lightweight and cost effective to suit your packaging requirements.
Foam inserts are produced from soft material. Though foam cutting is not difficult and hard. However, to get a neat and clean cutting of foam insert to give the perfect shape as is desirable, you need a hot wire cutter. This tool cuts the foam as per your requirement neatly.
You need no worries to find foam inserts. You can get it from us online by just clicking and following a few steps required to place your custom foam insert order. Just share the specification for your individualized foam inserts at [email protected] or (972)-590-8867.
Cross-linked polyethylene (XLPE) foam inserts are great protective inserts due to their amazing features. This type of foam inserts are water-proof with soft surfaces, and density. Custom foam inserts are the best protective inserts for smooth and high polished surfaces products.